What’s the biggest barrier to success online?

Is it the competition? What about social media networks limiting your reach? Perhaps it’s government regulations? Or maybe your job that consumes too much of your time?

Sure, all of those could hinder you, but they’re not the biggest barrier to success.

The biggest challenge most of us face is the battle between our ears.

You’ve put your limiters on.

A speed limiter is a system to limit the speed of a vehicle.

But obviously this isn’t about your car.

It’s about the limits you’ve put on yourself.

What beliefs (or fears) do you have about yourself and/or your business that are holding you back?

It’s a weighty question.

And these beliefs can be difficult to spot because they’re part of your normal thinking patterns, many of which have been ingrained in you for decades.

Here’s a common limitation…

“I’m not good at X.”

Enter whatever you want in X.

“I’m not good at writing.”

“I’m not good at making videos.”

“I’m not good at outsourcing.”

You’re sabotaging yourself before you even get started.

It doesn’t matter if your high school teacher gave you D’s in English.

Writing online is a whole different game.

It can be difficult to turn off those voices from your past, but they’re limiting your success online.

But all it takes is one simple word to instantly changes statements like the ones above.


“I’m not good at writing yet.”

“I’m not good at making videos yet.”

“I’m not good at outsourcing yet.”

It takes study and practice to develop those skills.

The first email you write probably won’t be very good.

Keep writing.

Study good emails.

Ask questions in your emails and encourage your subscribers to reply.

You’ll get to know them and their needs better.

Write like you talk.

Use a personal, casual approach instead of fancy language.  Quick Tip – several clients use AI to write the rough drafts of their emails. No matter how well you craft your prompt, AI still writes in a too formal tone. Part of your editing process is to inject your personality and voice into the emails.

Yet” is just a little word, but it can transform your thinking.

Here’s another way you can limit your profits.

You think it all relies on you.

Even solopreneurs need a team.

For example, you don’t ‘host’ your own website or manage your own email service. You use tools for those. 

Virtually any activity can be outsourced in your business.

It’s just a question of putting together the systems, finding the right people, and creating a good return on your investment.

Perhaps an objection comes up in your mind when you think about outsourcing specific tasks.

That’s where our magic word comes in again, “yet”.

For example, you might say, “I don’t have the money to outsource my copywriting yet…”

That’s fine. Begin by outsourcing lower cost activities.

Start with the 1-Hour Work Day…

Design a lifestyle business.

Implement simple hacks to earn more in less time.

Build a lean dream team that leverages everything you do for maximum returns.

Discover how to invest your time…and the work of others…to deliver more value to your customers and clients.

Terry Dean
Terry Dean

Terry Dean has been in full-time internet business since 1996 and has helped thousands of entrepreneurs get started online through his articles and products. He lives in Ocala, Florida with his wife and 2 dogs. Find out more about how his book How to Sell Without Selling on Amazon today.