This a question I get asked frequently.

“My list is growing, but subscribers aren’t buying! What should I do?”

A client had this same issue recently.

He was generating subscribers with Facebook ads at 12 cents apiece (that’s incredible by the way).

But only a few were buying. The ads weren’t profitable.

There are several possible reasons for this problem.

A lot of gurus teach not to sell in the beginning.

They tell you to send content…content…content…and indoctrinate your new subscribers before offering anything for sale.

That’s a mistake.

And it’s inauthentic as well.

You’re running ads because you have something to sell.

Why hide your true intentions and hide the solution to their problem for weeks? No wonder people get upset when you send all this content and eventually ask them to buy. You’re hiding behind a mask and all-of-a-sudden the truth comes out.

I write emails to sell products. I’m upfront about that from day one.

You can get a LOT of good advice and value from the free stuff I send out, but it’s no secret I’m running a business here. If my emails weren’t profitable, I’d stop sending them.

But anyway…my client didn’t have this problem. He offered a course for sale immediately after opt-in.

The copy was good.

But it wasn’t selling.

There was an obvious problem.

His free Lead Magnet didn’t directly lead them into the sale. So, we discussed changes he could make in it to highlight the problem he could help them solve, give value, and move them toward the first purchase.

But I suspected another secondary, hidden problem.

His copy, while good, didn’t match the Desperate Problem of his target audience.

It looked right, but the offer and copy were good enough it should have been selling more than it was.

His sent out a survey to his list to see if this theory was correct.

As soon as we started seeing the responses, we knew this was the issue.

His copy was written for the problem he personally had.

The problem his audience wanted to solve was a little different.

Everything was off.

The copy needed to be adjusted to the new Desperate Problem.

That also meant his Unique Promise would change….and the other pieces of the Golden Glove would fit in correct order.

In online business there are hidden triggers that control the results every step along the way.

If one gets out of place, it can knock everything else out of alignment.

I work with a limited number of clients one-on-one. You can join the waiting list here, and I’ll be accepting new clients into the program in September.

But if that’s out of your budget, you may want to check out the Monthly Mentor Club.

Inside the Club, there is a special report called “5 Step Persuasion Super Power System” in the Report Library section.

It shares my Golden Glove system and shows how you can use it to review your current websites and other ads…along with creating new products and reverse engineering winning competitors.

That along with dozens of my other special reports and even my personal help is available simply by giving the Monthly Mentor Club a try.

Terry Dean
Terry Dean

Terry Dean has been in full-time internet business since 1996 and has helped thousands of entrepreneurs get started online through his articles and products. He lives in Ocala, Florida with his wife and 2 dogs. Find out more about how his book How to Sell Without Selling on Amazon today.