That one word is the answer to the subject line.
Implementing deadlines effectively will multiply the profits you earn from email.
All your emails can generate a consistent ‘trickle’ of sales for your products and services.
But your biggest cash surges will come when you combine an irresistible offer with a strong deadline.
With the right special, you could earn 2 to 3 months’ worth of income (or more) in just a few days.
And you’ll see a majority of the sales come on the last day of the deadline.
In fact, I’ve playfully called this the ‘heart attack curve’ for close to a decade now.
You run a special offer to your list with a deadline 5 days from now.
You get sales immediately when the first email goes out.
These are often your best buyers jumping on board.
The 2nd and 3rd day may have lower sales than the first day.
By day 4 of this 5-day special, you’re worried.
You tell your spouse how lousy this offer must have been. Your audience isn’t responding. They’re not buying like they used to.
Then the final day hits.
And the deluge begins.
A flood of sales comes pouring in…increasing right up until the final hours.
There have been many times where a client or I have seen more than 50% of the sales in the last 12 hours before the deadline.
It doesn’t matter whether the special was 3 days or even a full week. The last 24 hours, and especially the last 12 hours are prime time.
That’s why I call it the heart attack curve. It looks like the offer was a loser until the final day.
So how do you create a money-on-demand special like this?
First of all, you need an irresistible offer.
This could be a heavily discounted sale. There’s a reason why Black Friday creates such a buying frenzy in the US.
Or it could be an additional bonus…or series of bonuses you add in. Or it could be a 2-for-1 special where you combine multiple offers together in a special promotion.
It could be a brand-new product launch.
Combine this with a deadline. It could be a specific time period. I like midnight Pacific time since a majority of my customers are in the US and I don’t want those on the West Coast to miss out.
Or it could be limited in number. For example, if it’s a 1:1 service or even a group coaching program, there are a limited number of clients you can take at any one time.
You’ll maximize your profits when you have a strong reason why behind the irresistible offer.
It’s a discounted price for founding members. You’re offering this low rate to generate case studies. It’s your anniversary or birthday. It’s Black Friday. I’ve even used buying a new car or a home as reasons why for the offer before.
Send emails every day of the special with multiple emails the final day.
I talk about these money-on-demand specials in Module 5 of Autoresponder Alchemy.
It comes with a 2-page cheat sheet of all the best performing ideas my clients and I have used to attract as much money during these specials as humanly possible.
And you’ll discover how to use these types of special offers no matter what you’re selling…even if you’re an affiliate promoting other people’s products and services.
That’s just one of the modules in Autoresponder Alchemy designed to help you consistently maximize your profits from email.