MichelangeloEvery block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.

Over the past year there have been a few small studies revealing that heavy Facebook use decreased overall feelings of happiness.

No surprise there. Of course it makes people unhappy.

Let’s say you have 200 friends on Facebook.

out of 200 people, someone may be on an exciting vacation. Another bought a new gadget. A third got a new job.

It looks like everyone is having an exciting time…except you.

Your life seems less in comparison.

Dissatisfaction sets in.

But it’s not reality. It’s a comparison with just a snapshot of others…at one point in time…during one step in their lives.

The same problem occurs with entrepreneurs.

You have a choice every time you hear the success of another entrepreneur.

You can choose to be inspired by their story.

Let it drive you to work harder and push through the struggles to reach your dreams.

Or you can choose to be distracted by it.

For example, you hear the story about how fitness expert launched a new product to over a million dollars in profits.

That could motivate you to finish the product you’re currently working on in your niche.

That’s a good result.

A negative reaction would be to think, “Wow, my market never gets those kinds of results.”

Then you START OVER in a totally new market just because you heard their story.

The reason I started with Michelangelo’s quote is because that’s what we are.

Our lives are that block of stone.

Perhaps you started with a warped rock.

Other people might have come in and messed up your life further. They drilled holes in your stone.

No matter your background…you have the option to make that block of stone into a masterpiece.

Or perhaps that’s what your business feels like right now.

It has a huge ‘traffic’ crack running down its length. Maybe it has ‘conversion’ holes all through it.

It all comes back to your vision.

What do you see?

It’s not a block of stone. It’s a masterpiece.

You see the end result before you begin the work.

Once you have that vision in your mind, then you can start chiseling away on it.

It takes time. It takes effort.

When you see another entrepreneur’s finished masterpiece, it should inspire you to continue working on yours.

The mistake many entrepreneurs make is getting frustrated instead. They throw away their block of stone.

They jump to another business idea or plan instead of sticking with their current one.

I love the Internet, because someone can get started with a small budget from their kitchen table.

But that can also turn into a curse since it allows you to jump from one business plan to another.

Those who succeed have a vision.

They constantly hone their tools. They add to their skills. And they keep moving forward.

If you’d like to join a group of people focused on online success and constantly hone your tools produce better results in your current market, check out www.MonthlyMentorClub.com

Each month I share with you more ways to produce better results from your current business…no matter what niche you’re in.

Coming up in October will be a full issue covering Facebook advertising and how to build Facebook pages, grow your email lists, and more.


Terry Dean
Terry Dean

Terry Dean has been in full-time internet business since 1996 and has helped thousands of entrepreneurs get started online through his articles and products. He lives in Ocala, Florida with his wife and 2 dogs. Find out more about how his book How to Sell Without Selling on Amazon today.